Account Settings
Take full advantage of the Account Settings feature on to manage your profile details, customize email notifications, change your password, and maintain the security of your account.
Accessing Account Settings: Click on your user profile icon in the top right corner and select "Account Settings" from the drop-down menu to manage your profile and preferences.
Updating Profile Information: Edit your personal details, such as name, email address, and profile picture, within Account Settings. Make changes in the relevant fields and save to update your profile.
Managing Email Notifications: Customize your email notification preferences in the "Notifications" tab of Account Settings. Enable or disable specific notification types based on your preferences to receive important updates.
Changing Password: Navigate to the "Security" tab in Account Settings to change your account password. Enter your current password, then set a new password that meets's security requirements. Save the changes.
Logging Out: Ensure account security by logging out of your account. Click on your user profile icon, then select "Logout" from the drop-down menu. Remember to log out when using shared or public computers.
Last updated